Sunday, June 20, 2010

Finding a Site Mentor

My journey of looking for a site mentor has finally come to an end. I am so gracious to have a very good instructor as Professor Borel. Professor Borel, was able to step right in and assist me in finding a facility that will work with me throughout the program. I really appreciate everything she has done this past week. Unlike many of my classmates who are already educators, but my position is a little different than everyone else. I have experience in a different area of teaching and that is corporate training. I entered this program to learn more skills in leadership and technology training to provide my audience with an insight of technology learning without always has to teach on the same traditional learning modules of using power point presentation. I have always known that the technology of teaching is more advanced than what I was accustom too and the learning material that I have been using for the past three years; I needed change and develop a different and comprehensive learning style to my audience. No matter, the age of your subjects, an educator should be able to provide resourceful information that is relevant to his or her need of learning. In this class, I have already learned how to use other forms of communication besides emails. Learning to use blogs and wiki sites will allow me to present this information to my company’s IT department where we can start blogging to our colleagues and adding links to the blogs where we can store educational material for retrieval anytime as a resource guide. I am looking forward in what the program has to offer in a full learning spectrum.

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