Using Web 2.0 in the Classroom
Learners of today are becoming technological driven each day. Teachers need to understand how to implement this growing trend of collaboration and communication to their students. Technology media outcomes such as Web 2.0 are align with the common applications of blogs, video sharing, podcasting, and social networking which is a more socially connective media source where students can contribute as much as they can consume.
In this week’s reading, I’ve learned that Web 2.0 has a huge globally impact on people. People are becoming immersive captivated with using the Web to collaborate with their friends and family on a daily basis. Thereby, education institutions have taken advantage of the use of using Web 2.0 technology service to innovate their online classroom, library, and other data sources.
One of the biggest growth areas in multimedia sharing are videos, podcasting, and photograph sharing. This development has been made possible through the widespread of digital technology such as hand held cameras, wireless devices such as cell phones that are equipped with video cam, and the Internet for real-time data usage.
Now that the horse and wagon days are gone, the Internet has become a dominant force in the way world collaborate and communicate. Teaching with Web 2.0 is the best platform for collaboration in sharing ideas as a way to interact with student – to –student, student –to-teacher, and colleague-to-colleague. The social aspects of the Webs connectedness are becoming increasingly important to the way we communicate and learn.
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